Board of Commissioners

Bunker Hill, Hedwig, Hilshire, Hunters Creek, Piney Point, and Spring Valley wish to contract with each other to create the Village Fire Department, such department to furnish fire protection and emergency ambulance service to each of the contracting cities, subject to the supervision and administration of its Board of Commissioners. (VFD Interlocal Cooperation Agreement, 1.06)

To supervise and administer the provisions of this agreement and the affairs of such Village Fire Department, it is the desire of the contracting cities to create a Board of Commissioners of the Village Fire Department, hereinafter sometimes referred to as the “Board of Commissioners”. (VFD Interlocal Cooperation Agreement, 1.04)


The affairs of the Village Fire Department shall be administered by a Board of Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners shall consist of one commissioner from each of the contracting cities. (VFD Interlocal Cooperation Agreement, 4.01)

Keith Brown,

City of Bunker Hill Village
Council Member

Henry Kollenberg,
Vice Chair

City of Piney Point Village

Allen Carpenter,

City of Spring Valley Village
Council Member

Rob Adams,

City of Hunters Creek Village

Mike Garofalo, Member

City of Hilshire Village

Matt Woodruff,

City of Hedwig Village
Council Member

Alternate Commissioners

Each contracting city shall name one alternate commissioner, who shall serve in the event of the absence of the commissioner of such city. (VFD Interlocal Cooperation Agreement, 4.02)

Clara Towsley

City of Bunker Hill Village

Aliza Dutt

City of Piney Point Village

John Lisenby

City of Spring Valley Village
Council Member

Fidel Sapien

City of Hunters Creek Village
Council Member

Robert Buesinger

City of Hilshire Village

Patrick Breckon

City of Hedwig Village
Council Member

Agendas, Minutes, Etc.

Regular Board Meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of each month, unless otherwise cancelled or rescheduled.

Powers & Responsibilities of Board of Commissioners

The Board of Commissioners is specifically empowered to:

  • Adopt by-laws and rules of procedure for the orderly execution of its duties.
  • Prepare and submit an annual budget for the Village Fire Department, on a calendar year basis, to each contracting city on or before June 30 of the year next preceding for the year for which the budget is proposed.
  • Collect the funds paid by each of the contracting cities for the providing of fire protection and emergency ambulance service.
  • Disburse collected funds for the purposes and to the extent authorized in the budget approved by the contracting cities to procure and provide those services.
  • Prepare monthly statements of accounts, income received, and expenses paid during said month and cumulatively during the current calendar year.
  • Prepare a table of organization of the Village Fire Department designed to provide for the orderly operation of the Village Fire Department and the furnishing of the services described.
  • Prescribe the policies to be followed by the Chief of the Village Fire Department in the use of department resources and the furnishing of the services described.
  • Purchase, receive, lease, or otherwise acquire any and all personal property necessary to the performance of the fire and ambulance services described and prescribe standards of accountability, preservation, and use of such personal property.
  • Maintain accounting records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
  • To the extent permitted by law, enter into such contracts, within the limits of the applicable approved budget, and exercise all powers appropriate or necessary to effectuate any or all of the purposes and powers set forth.
  • To employ, assign, reassign, promote, demote, discipline, and discharge any and all officers and employees of the Village Fire Department, all of whom shall serve and hold their offices or employment at the pleasure of the Board of Commissioners. It is specifically provided, however, that said Board of Commissioners may by resolution duly adopted delegate to the Fire Chief of said Department any or all of the following authority: to employ, assign, reassign, promote, demote, discipline, or discharge all or specified personnel within the Department.
  • Establish, impose, and collect reasonable charges for emergency medical services provided by the Village Fire Department.

(VFD Interlocal Cooperation Agreement, 5.01), refer to VFD Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for full text, see also Village Fire Department By-Laws and Administrative Rules of Procedure

Contact the Board of Commissioners